Stockholm Green Innovation District

Stockholm Green Innovation District is a new hub for innovation and sustainability, stretching from Årsta to Central Nacka and connected by the Tvärbanan light rail. Our goal is to develop Stockholm Green Innovation District as a global leader in sustainable urban development. 

The initiative is a collaboration between the City of Stockholm, Nacka Municipality, businesses, civil society, and research organizations like KTH, IVL, and RISE. Each partner brings unique expertise, technology, and collaboration models. United by curiosity, commitment, and openness, we strive to develop bold and forward-thinking solutions, even those not yet tested. Building on the success of Hammarby Sjöstad and the project Hammarby Sjöstad 2.0 — climate neutral  by 2030, we seek to showcase innovation and inspire action.

“By working together, we strive to build a more sustainable future
— for Stockholm Green Innovations District and beyond.”

Innovation to empower your Climate Transition

Innovation is at the heart of our drive for twin transition. Here we offer ten examples of innovation that will help you to empower and speed up  your transition. 

Our business partners stand ready to inform and demonstrate how it works and what can be achieved.

Be part of our Journey for Twin Transition 2030

We believe that the speed of climate transition will increase during the next few years. We aim at climate neutrality by 2030, explaining what can be achived in energy, mobility, construction, water, consumption and waste – with digital support. 

Welcome to become part of our journey for twin transition!

Karin Wanngård
Chairman of the Municipal Board
in the City of Stockholm

“Stockholm aims to be a world leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, we are now implementing major climate investments and tightening Stockholm’s climate goals. By 2030, our city should be climate positive, which requires reduced emissions from construction, consumption and transportation. Stockholm Green Innovation District strengthens the city’s innovation capacity by bringing together actors with expertise, promoting concrete collaboration across organizational boundaries, and contributing to international knowledge exchange, especially regarding the opportunities of digitalization. Together, we ensure that Stockholm develops sustainably and with solidarity, and achieves a fair climate transition.”

Mats Gerdau
Chairman of the Municipal Board
of Nacka

“Through the Green Innovation District, we can take further steps in developing a dynamic business climate that promotes innovation and entrepreneurship at the highest level. In Nacka, we aim to create good urban meeting places in the environmentally smart municipality, for Nacka residents and visitors, businesses and entrepreneurs.

The development of unique and sustainable residential and work environments, rail-based public transport, and even more circular trade in Sickla and Nobelberget is the direction of Nacka as a whole, and particularly as part of the innovation district.”

Carl Piva
Chairman of Stockholm Green
Innovation District

“Stockholm Green Innovation District is based on many years of successful collaboration between the city, academia, businesses, and residents with the ambition to be the leading district for green transformation in Europe. We have agreed on a powerful vision for the future where we can mobilize the right forces towards clear goals. We bring together innovation from the market, expertise from academia, implementation capabilities from urban development parties, and the strength of active citizen engagement. The area is geographically connected by the tram and practically by ‘Färdplan 2030’ where we jointly set the ambition for our future city.”

Östen Ekengren
CEO of Stockholm Green
Innovation District

“Are you interested in our green innovation portfolio? Interested in investing in our district or starting a business? Please contact me. I will connect you to our innovation partners in the district, Stockholm Business Region, and our Brussels office.”

Do you have any further questions or if you are interested in a on site visit to the District.

Östen Ekengren